Hello Everyone!
I’ve been blond my entire life – with one small stint as a *kind-of-almost-strawberry-blond-but-not-really-because-it-was-just-the-color-it-had-to-be-after-needing-to-fix-a-bad-attempt-at-strawberry-blond*
For whatever reason – In my head, how blond I was – was directly linked to how pretty I felt.
I know … I know … it sounds horrible and I hope my daughter never feels like that – but for whatever reason it’s the truth.
For that reason I never ventured from blond, I always wanted to try some crazy colors but it was never ‘the right time’ I was either in High School – where my parent’s just wouldn’t let me, or I was in college where I needed to be taken seriously, or in Law School where I needed to look professional.
Recently this outlook of mine changed after a *horrible* experience with getting my hair ‘highlighted’ (and by highlight, I mean the “stylist” ended up bleaching ALL of my hair).
I looked in the mirror and Realized I basically looked like a bleach blond Eminem had a baby with Game Of Throne’s Khaleesi – in the worst possible way.
That’s when it hit me – maybe I would look *better* NOT being the stereo-typical sun kissed summer hair blond. My hair is naturally a dark blond so I just never ever ventured past being ‘blond’ but I also didn’t want to look back and regret not at least trying a different color – I mean after all – it’s just hair!
After much debate I *Finally* took the plunge into the world of ‘not your natural’ kind of hair color and decided to go Rose Gold – I found the color I wanted, met with a stylist (who actually knew what she was doing) and showed her a photo of what I wanted.
She laughed and said – I know that exact color – apparently the photo I showed her was actually a print ad for a specific color (Guy Tang Rose Gold)! This stylist was basically a walking billboard for different color hair as she herself had the fun ‘unicorn’ blue hair trend that is going around! So I figured she knew what she was doing when it came to colors like this!
Also apparently the bleaching mishap worked in my favor when it came to going Rose Gold because apparently you actually have to bleach your hair out (depending on how dark your color is) in order to go rose gold – so at least I had that going for me!)
The day I ended up getting my hair colored was so exciting – I felt like a kid on Christmas Morning. While I was excited, I was also nervous – because what if I didn’t feel ‘pretty’. Which as silly as it sounds – was important to me – although, in my defense, I’ve yet to meet a person who likes not feeling pretty – so is it really that silly?
I don’t know.
Point being – I am the type of person who wants to at the very least *feel* pretty.
So this was a big concern of mine.
Once she had the color in and styled I could NOT stop smiling – because I LOVED it. I loved everything about it – I loved that it was an entirely different hue than what I have ever had before. I loved that in some lighting it actually had a pink tint (that I still think looks amazing). I loved that she melted a beautiful Ombre into it, but most of all I loved that I had never felt prettier with a hair color.
It might actually end up being my new permanent hair color.
Now that I’ve ventured into the world of different kinds of hair color I’m so excited to try other things – who knows what may happen – I’ve noticed the new trend called Chocolate Mauve – so maybe that’s in my future too!
All I know is that right now I love the Rose Gold and I plan on keeping it for a while!
What’s the craziest color you’ve ever tried in your hair before?

Kristen, Your beauty comes from within and shows in what you do and why! You are beautiful and that’s because of how you treat and relate to others, As you age your inner beauty is the true you and is what’s important in how your life unfolds. Enjoy each day as every day gives you a new experience, You will never be wrong in what you do only sometimes you will find just another way that doesn’t work when you try something. Live each day to it’s fullest, How you live affects the world and those around you. From your bleached blond Gma
Thanks Gma! I know it sounds so silly but for the longest time I linked how pretty i felt to that… but what you said is so true and means so much to me that you said it! The inner beauty is the true beauty!