Hello Everyone!
I know it’s been a long time since anyone has heard from me but I have some big news. If you haven’t already guessed by the new site, I decided to re-brand my blog.
So welcome to Entirely Kristen.
Deciding to re-brand wasn’t something I decided on a whim – I absolutely loved Come Save Away and I still do – it was perfect for what the idea was conceived for – Coupons – but as my life changed what I wanted to talk about did as well ….. so a change was in order.
When I started Blogging and Vlogging I was in Law School – all I would do is go to Class, Brief cases, take care of the house and coupon!
.. .. .. I know .. .. .. I lived an exciting life .. .. ..
Then I graduated Law School and shortly thereafter became a mom. I know if you’ve followed me before, you know all the trials and tribulations my family went through with getting my daughter here and her hospitalization shortly thereafter. My priorities shifted instantaneously and my Blog/YouTube channel went crashing to the bottom of my priorities list (seeing your child in the hospital fighting to get better will do that to a person).
Once she was better I tried to start everything back up and I did for a bit – then I decided to start a business and that was the nail in the coffin for blogging time. I partnered with my sister to sell LuLaRoe and we hit it out of the park right from our first sale. Running the sales took ALL of my “free time” due the volume of merchandise we were moving. It got to be bigger than we both could handle so we downsized for a while but eventually decided to close up shop. It took away too much time from our families.
Throughout all of this I always missed blogging and vlogging – but I didn’t coupon as much as I used to when I started Come Save Away and I wanted to talk about more than just coupons.
After all I am now a mom. I love makeup, fashion, cooking, my pups and yes I still love to coupon. It just isn’t ALL I do anymore and my blog needed to reflect that.
So welcome to Entirely Kristen and I hope you stay a while!
Don’t Forget to see what I’m up to on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, and if you don’t want to miss a post then be sure to subscribe (psst – it’s on the right had side bar!)

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