Hello Everyone!
I’ve been blond my entire life – with one small stint as a *kind-of-almost-strawberry-blond-but-not-really-because-it-was-just-the-color-it-had-to-be-after-needing-to-fix-a-bad-attempt-at-strawberry-blond*
For whatever reason – In my head, how blond I was – was directly linked to how pretty I felt.
I know … I know … it sounds horrible and I hope my daughter never feels like that – but for whatever reason it’s the truth.
For that reason I never ventured from blond, I always wanted to try some crazy colors but it was never ‘the right time’ I was either in High School – where my parent’s just wouldn’t let me, or I was in college where I needed to be taken seriously, or in Law School where I needed to look professional.
Recently this outlook of mine changed after a *horrible* experience with getting my hair ‘highlighted’ (and by highlight, I mean the “stylist” ended up bleaching ALL of my hair).
I looked in the mirror and Realized I basically looked like a bleach blond Eminem had a baby with Game Of Throne’s Khaleesi – in the worst possible way.
That’s when it hit me – maybe I would look *better* NOT being the stereo-typical sun kissed summer hair blond. My hair is naturally a dark blond so I just never ever ventured past being ‘blond’ but I also didn’t want to look back and regret not at least trying a different color – I mean after all – it’s just hair! [Read more…]