Hello Everyone!
As many of you know, I am a full on lipstick junkie!
But after I became a mom I discovered I had a serious problem…
… not THAT kind of problem … I’m not in Lipstick anonymous or anything … although some would say I should be…
My problem was that after I had baby girl I stopped wearing lipstick, ( and not because I was a tired mom who was struggling to keep it together) …
…..yea … nope…I never struggled, everything was the pristine picture of perfection and baby girl basically took care of herself …. She’s actually barley 2 and already teaching herself algebra – it’s amazing!
… anyone buy that?… maybe… (this is where I typically glance around with a sarcastic smirk)
I’m sure every mom gets it …. To be honest, there are more days than I care to admit where there’s a struggle to just keep things at status quo over in my household.. (yes – I call it a good day if I hit ‘status quo’) [Read more…]