I post a lot about cleaning and organizing and we all know that can take quite some time. Sometimes I want it to be instantly better looking without it taking a multi-day process. Just a simple spring cleaning checklist. Anyone else?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for taking the time to actually organize a cupboard. Even if you won’t ever notice it’s organized until you open it, but I also know that those kinds of tasks certainly feel a little less satisfying than the ones you instantly notice.
So, for the person who wants to have a noticeably cleaner home TODAY, this post is for you!
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5 Things to get a Noticeably Cleaner Home Today
If you want a simple spring cleaning checklist of completely tackle-able things (I don’t think it’s a word but I’m using it!) here it is:
1.Make Your Bed
This is usually a focal point of your bedroom and if left a mess all day, can make the room feel cluttered. Making the bed will instantly make your bedroom look and feel cleaner.
2.Do a Load of Laundry
The infamous never ending laundry battel. Getting a load of laundry completely done (washed, dried, folded AND put away) will help you keep up with the inevitable laundry mess. It will also take the clutter away from a hamper or if you are one of those people who “miss” the hamper – it will take care of some of the clutter on the floor.
3.Do the Dishes and Clean the Sink.
I put these together because for me, they just go hand in hand. If I’m getting the dishes done, I’m also emptying the sink and by the time I get it emptied I might as well just scrub it down to make it look substantially better.
I used to have a stainless-steel sink that would wipe clean very easily with just soap and water, but, I now have a white sink that definitely shows stains if I don’t scrub it down with this!
Cleaning a sink and doing the dishes will inevitable make the ‘mess’ of the kitchen look a lot cleaner!
4.Clear off and Wipe Down the Kitchen Counters
Getting rid of the clutter on the counters will instantly make it look better without even wiping the counters off, but you’ve come that far so you might as well just wipe them off! This is my favorite cleaner to use for counters.
5.Sweep and/or Vacuum
Nothing looks better than a freshly vacuumed room! As a parent, I’ve gotten used to the fact that a freshly vacuumed room only looks that great for a short period of time before little feet walk through my happily straight vacuum lines. At least they leave cute little footprints in the carpet (we have very squishy carpet).
I still believe that vacuuming and sweeping can make a room look and feel cleaner instantly though so that is why it made this simple spring cleaning checklist!
Enjoy your cleaner home!
When you’re done with this easy to-do spring cleaning checklist your house will look noticeably cleaner!
Also be sure to check out my post on 10 days to a cleaner home and 5 places you forgot to clean!

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