Anyone who has kids knows just how hard it can be to clean a house, let alone keeping a house clean.
I can have the entire living room clean and within minutes of the kids playing in it, you never would have even known I had cleaned.
If you read my post on how to clean when overwhelmed then you know after having kids it was a struggle for me to get the house clean most days, but I started to take things one day at a time and have little victories each day moving towards my overall goal of a clean house.
That’s where my ‘routine’ came in, I’m using the term routine a little loosely because I definitely have days where it doesn’t go as planned, but that’s motherhood right?! We roll with the punches.
Getting your house to the ‘clean’ point in all actuality is the easy part (I know it doesn’t seem like it) but in reality, the ‘keeping it up’ part is by far the hardest.
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Keeping a House Clean With a Routine
What I’ve discovered is that if I get a few particular things done *nearly* every day, I am able to keep up with the rest of the cleaning on a weekly/monthly basis.
I really shoot for every day, but it doesn’t always happen every day. So, if you’re not able to do these every single day, just know you’re not alone!
My Daily Routine
There are 3 things I try and get done every single day.
1. Clean the Kitchen.
If I have a clean kitchen and cleared counters my stress level goes down drastically. This is not a DEEP clean every day. I’m talking get the dishwasher unloaded/reloaded, clear off the counters and wipe them all down kind of clean. This is my favorite cleaner to use for the counters.
2. Sweep.
A good portion of my first floor is hardwood and my goal every day is to sweep up all the dirt/fuzzies/whatever else came in with me, the kids, the dogs or my husband haha!
3. Laundry.
This is the hardest one for me to keep up with. The infamous never ending laundry battel. I try and do at least one load every day. I’m talking wash, dried, folded and put away. If I can keep up with loads of laundry throughout the week, I don’t end up with half of the day every weekend dedicated solely to laundry.
What happens If I don’t get it all done?
Then I don’t get it all done. Keeping up with the daily tasks cannot make or break your mood, that will just bog you down. Just keep trying to accomplish the little goals on a daily basis to help you accomplish the overall bigger goal of keeping your house clean and organized once you get your initial ‘big clean’ done!
Remember, You got this!

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