I’m obsessed with this cleaner. I have two young kids at home and absolutely hate cleaning with harsh chemicals. I wasn’t always like this though; once I had kids I really started to look into ingredients of things I used! It wasn’t until the past 6 months that I had even heard of an electrolyzed cleaner like Force of Nature.
I understand there may be a time and place for the use of things like bleach (like what happened to my washing machine). However, I try to exhaust all other options before going down that road.
Let me tell you a story, When the pandemic hit, like most everyone else, I cleaned an excessive amount with some strong cleaners that had equally strong chemicals. I hated it, but didn’t know what would and wouldn’t work to keep my family safe, so I defaulted to those cleaners. Having not used these kinds of cleaners for quite some time, I immediately noticed two things.
- First, some of the cleaners aggravated my asthma (not good) so I went through different brands without much luck
- Second, you could just feel the cleaners in the air and not in a ‘oh that’s clean’ good way.
I tried a few different cleaners and was actually using the Method cleaner from target when I made the switch. I was complaining that it was leaving a film on my counters to my sister. She told me to try this cleaner she had been using called Force of Nature. Well, I did, and I fell in love!
This is not a sponsored post at all, it does contain my referral link for Force of nature and other affiliate links, but I’m honestly just completely obsessed with this cleaner!
What is Force of Nature?
Force of Nature is an electrolyzed cleaner. More accurately, it is a device that allows you to “make” the cleaner at home with a packet of solution and water.
Essentially the ingredients are Salt, Water, and Vinegar. When you put it in the device the electricity converts those 3 things to a super effective cleaner (for those who love the science of it, it’s converted to Hypochlorous Acid and Sodium Hydroxide) which can be as effective as bleach but without the toxins. It is even registered as effective at killing Covid-19!
It is worth noting that the capsules of solution are premeasured perfectly. I would not recommend trying to do that part yourself.
What will I need?
You will just need the device itself and the capsules with the solution in it and you will need one of the starter kits, I personally got the BIG one because I wanted to save more on the solution packets buying it that way.
What comes in the Force of Nature Starter Pack?
The electrolyzer
Power cord
12 oz Reusable spray bottle
Quick start guide
User Manual
Capsules with solution (various amounts depending on the kit you choose).
How do you actually make it?
It is honestly so easy to make! You take the electrolyzer, fill it with water to the fill line, put a capsule of the solution in and hit the button! It’s that simple.
What are the Pros?
Aside from the obvious of cleaning as effective as Bleach without the harsh toxins this cleaner can be used as a deodorizer as well!
I even use this spray bottle and use it in an aerosol kind of way because of how this bottle sprays the cleaner.
When you look at the cost per ounce you actually end up saving money using this cleaner.
Any Down sides?
The only downside I can see is that the cleaning solution only lasts 2 weeks, but in all honesty I’ve been using this for about 6 months and I have never had to throw the solution away. Just something to know before you buy it.
If you have hard water you will either need to use bottled water or a filtered water to make the cleaner with.
You’re Supposed to wait 10 minutes for the cleaner to work properly before wiping it off (however I looked at some other cleaners and apparently, they have a similar wait time – even bleach!).
Overall Thoughts
I am so happy I switched to this electrolyzed cleaner. It’s not only safer to use around kids and pets, it’s also more cost effective and there are no allergens or irritants in it that set off my asthma! Win-Win!

[…] The next thing I do is spray my cleaner on the shelves and let it sit there a bit, I use this cleaner. […]