This one’s for those gardeners out there who want to have one of those useful (and pretty!) Garden Trellises. This is a super easy DIY Garden Trellis!
These are so easy and inexpensive to do that my garden actually has 6 of them! They are beautiful to walk through, perfect for the vining plants and add so much growing space to your garden!
Materials for a DIY Garden Trellis
You will need to make a run to the local store to get some of these items
- 4 x 10 cattle panel
- 4 metal fence posts
- Paint color of your choosing (not necessary but certainly makes it look more finished)
How to Build the DIY Garden Trellis
My garden has raised garden beds that my trellises are in. The beds are 6 x 4 and each bed is 4 feet apart from the next. If you look at the photo above you will see the main walkway through my raised bed garden. The cattle panel itself is wedged between the side of the gardened and the fence stake.
This is how we built the Trellises pictured in above.
Start by putting the fence stakes in the ground on one side. Place them slightly inside the 4-foot length.
Get all 4 of the fence stakes put into the ground first. I placed mine 4 feet apart because that’s how far apart my raised beds are. However, you can place them a little closer or a little farther apart if needed (or if you just prefer that look). Keep in mind that it will affect the arch of the trellis itself.
After all the fence posts are in, you will take the cattle panel and stand it on the 4-foot end right up against the inside of the two fence post on one of the sides.
Next, slowly and carefully bend the panel so that it’s on the inside of the second set of fence posts. Keep in mind there will be a good amount of tension when doing this, which is the entire point, so just be careful.
Finally, you can paint it whatever color you would like so it looks like a cohesive Trellis.
Ta-da you have your very own DIY Garden Trellis!
If you want to get ideas of what to plant in the garden this year check out this post I did last week!

[…] a bit you know that I personally LOVE to garden and have a fairly large raised bed garden with DIY trellis’s and everything. I usually let the kids pick a few plants that are “theirs” and put them […]