Hello Everyone!
As many of you know, I am a full on lipstick junkie!
But after I became a mom I discovered I had a serious problem…
… not THAT kind of problem … I’m not in Lipstick anonymous or anything … although some would say I should be…
My problem was that after I had baby girl I stopped wearing lipstick, ( and not because I was a tired mom who was struggling to keep it together) …
…..yea … nope…I never struggled, everything was the pristine picture of perfection and baby girl basically took care of herself …. She’s actually barley 2 and already teaching herself algebra – it’s amazing!
… anyone buy that?… maybe… (this is where I typically glance around with a sarcastic smirk)
I’m sure every mom gets it …. To be honest, there are more days than I care to admit where there’s a struggle to just keep things at status quo over in my household.. (yes – I call it a good day if I hit ‘status quo’)
Back to my problem, it presented itself one day when I decided to wear red lipstick – VERY red lipstick to be more specific. I freaked out some family members (accidentally) after baby girl bobbled her head back into my face – where my lips, bright red lipstick and all, brushed up against her little bald head.
In the process of going to get a towel to wipe up what looked like a blood bath on her head, others noticed, and thought she hurt herself. (this is when the panic started to erupt …. The dogs picked up on this and decided to “help” the situation by continuously barking.. you know.. because when has non-stop barking ever NOT helped a situation… ha).
Needless to say after the “Red Lipstick Incident” (as it is now referred to) I sadly stopped wearing lipstick all together – because it Smudges!
It smudges onto cute little bald heads that bobble and toddle around!
After all – *ALL* lipstick smudges!
Well that’s what I thought – until I discovered Lipsense. I reached out to a consultant asking what all this Hoopla was about – no lipstick could truly *not*smudge*
…pfft… They are clearly lying!
Then I received my Lipsense Starter Kit in the mail – and a wave of excitement rolled over me. I rushed to go put it on – there is a special way to put it on – 3 layers and then gloss, each layer to be done with one smooth motion from one side to another all in one swipe (which is harder than it sounds).
Then I did what anyone who has ever tried Lipsense does the first time they put it on – Try to smudge it.
I tried everything…. My hand, a towel, a drink, water… BUT most importantly – baby girl’s little adorably bald head….
And Nothing.
It. Did. Not. Move.
That was my ah-ha makeup moment because it meant that I could wear lipstick again!
After discovering I wanted to *buy*all*the*colors* I quickly realized it was more economical to simply just sign up to sell it – you know – just for the discount (after all I did start my whole blogging journey because I enjoyed discounts).
Then a lot people started asking me if I carried it (I would wear it in my Live LuLaRoe sales) so I decided to actually start selling it as well.
Once I had more than one color I started to mix the colors by alternating the 3 separate layers with different colors during the application process – creating my own unique colors! After all, just having 2 colors allowed you to create 8 different colors through the layering process alone.
It was amazing!
Mostly because I now wear lipstick EVERY SINGLE DAY (again) so it’s a win in my book!
*So – my disclaimer is that all the links on this post are to my group where I post my stock and general meanderings of life while wearing awesome lipstick!
If anyone would like to try lipsense just send and email to LippyWithKristen@gmail.com to chat about colors in stock!

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