Hello Everyone!
I am so excited for Easter! I wanted to share with you some DIY Easter Basket Ideas we did for Baby Girl’s First Easter Basket.
She was only a few months old her first Easter. We couldn’t go the stero-typical route and get her chocolate, the jelly bean filled plastic eggs, or a pre-made Easter basket because of her age. So we decided to make our own with baby stuff for her to use.
As you can see from the photo there are actually 2 baskets – why you might ask? Well . . . for a couple of reasons. First we couldn’t agree on a basket (I wanted the cute fluffy lamb basket) and also because we needed a basket big enough to fit what we had got for her. So we compromised and got them both (that’s how it works right?!)
What we have in the basket (Links in this post are affiliate links):
Carters Just One You Musical Kitty: Baby Girl LOVES music, even to this day. So we thought this would be a fun thing for her to have in her basket.
Infantimo Go Gaga Chimes: This makes a really nice jingle sound (and not an annoying one). Baby Girl had a rattle that made a similar noise and she just adored it so we thought this would be a safe bet.
Bright Starts Chill & Teeth: At the time she didn’t have any teeth – but boy oh boy did she love to gum stuff (these were a HUGE hit Easter Day).
Bright Starts Berry Teether: So this one in a teether that also vibrates. She really liked this one once she figured out how to make it vibrate.
Baby Einstein Discover Piano Toy: This was cute and played music. This was one of her favorite toys for quite some time after Easter!
Well there you have it. What we put in our daughters first Easter Basket that wasn’t candy. For parents out there who ran into the same delima that we did hopefully you found this post helpful.

[…] Since Easter is right around the corner I wanted to share some more fun ideas for your kids this Easter. You can see what we did for our daughter’s first Easter here. […]