Hello Everyone!
I wanted to share with you what I did for Baby Girl’s Halloween Costume this year. I made her a Chicken because I watched a video of a little girl walking around in a chicken costume and I thought it was beyond adorable with the feathers in the wind. The links in this post are affiliate.
These are the Items you will need:
1 Long sleeve white shirt one size larger than your child normally wears
1 Long sleeve shirt 2 sizes larger than your child normally wears
Elastic or string (I used elastic)
Yellow/Orange pants in your child’s size
Start by takeing both shirts and glue them together at the bottom. When you do this you want them both inside out and the one that is 1 size larger will be the one on the outside (this way when you flip it back “right-side out” the larger shirt will be the one visible) You could also sew them together at the bottom – I started by doing this but ended up just hot gluing it.
Once the glue dries you will then take the stuffing and put it between the shirts – to give it a cute little extra puff to it!
Next you will glue the feather boas all around the shirt to get it a free-flowing feather look. I just circled the boas around the body of the shirts and for the arms went straight down from shoulder to wrist.
You will want feet for your little chicken! What I did was put the felt over the shoes my daughter was planning on wearing and drew how I wanted the feet to look – then I cut it out (twice – because you will need 2 feet).
Finally I took some elastic and cut 2 small pieces and hot glued each end of the elastic to the felt (one on the right side one on the left) so it would almost go on like a sock and sit directly on top of the shoe. One thing I also did was take the glue gun and run a line down each ‘toe’ of the foot – just to give it some structure while walking.
Then all you need is a pair of pants that fits and you have a chicken costume!
I thought it was fun to make and it was the only way I was able to get the costume to look like how I wanted it to look!
Has anyone ever made a costume for their child before? What was it?

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