Hello Everyone!
I have a serious confession to make here guys.
I am *SHAMELESSLY* addicted to reality TV.
Survivor, The Real World, The Challenge, The Amazing Race, Big Brother, Teen Mom, Alaskan Bush People – you name it and if it’s a reality TV show I probably watch it!
I know, I know… I can hear it now ‘it’s not real’ … ‘it’s all made up’… .. blah blah blah… I know.. I’ve heard it all and to be honest – I doesn’t bother me.
It really doesn’t – I still love it.
Why? Some may ask?
Because it is amazing! There is something to be said about a TV show where you can watch it without actually having to watch it! You can miss an episode and still understand what is happening!
See – it all started in college, where I would enjoy a good MTV reality show – and of course SURVIROR (because – duh – Survivor is the best show ever).
Then it escalated quickly in law school and throughout BAR prep.
I think it was because after spending HOURS and HOURS briefing cases in law school and drilling questions while studying for the BAR, I realized, I didn’t want the tv show I was watching in order to “relax” to also stress me out.
*(enter the amazing world of reality tv)*
I realized that reality tv had something no other tv show had – a special type of *plot* and by “plot” I mean– it’s actually kind of a stretch to even call it a plot – but, yet, it’s still *kind*of* resembled one because the show actually does have an order to it.
There was nothing better after 10+ hours of studying than sitting down and just watching a show where I didn’t *need* to be completely 100% attentive to every little detail to still enjoy the show. Mostly because at that point the drama’s and mysteries stressed me out – and to be honest – BAR prep is stressful enough – I didn’t need TV plot stress on top of an already stressful time of my life!
I mean, my recording que was already filled because I spent all day studying and the “Tivo Guilt”, as I call it, was already getting to me.
However, that very type of plot that I love so much – others don’t – which is fine – to each their own – but like I said I *SHAMELESSLY* love reality tv shows.
Whether it’s who will be blindsided at the next tribal council, the Bush People Attempting to get a Cow to an Island, or Johnny Bananas “playing the politics” all the way to a final – I LOVE IT ALL!
Real or not, I find it entertaining.
For some reason, there are some who *really* need to stress that the show is not actually “real”. They of course state it as if they just unveiled the greatest mystery of all time – you know, like in the wizard of oz, when they pull back the curtain to see the wizard!
For whatever reason – the fact that some might enjoy tv regardless of the truth behind it is lost on some – I don’t sit here and critique Mickey Mouse on Disney Junior (Just Kidding – sometimes I do – because, you know, some of the stuff that toodles does is just completely unrealistic! I mean seriously – like a mechanical flying Mickey shaped helper could *actually* carry a baby elephant!… the elephant would weigh WAY to much to carry!)
All the moms out there know what I’m talking about with that toodles thing!
But there you have it – It’s officially out there! I love Reality TV regardless of how “real” it is! Always have and Always will!
Besides I heard one of my favorite Mantras on Teen Mom (yes for real!)
One of the Mom’s quoted someone (honestly I’m not sure who) and said “You could be the juiciest peach in the world, but there is always going to be someone who doesn’t like peaches” For whatever reason that particular quote resonated with me at the time and still continues to even now.
See Reality TV is good for something!
What are some of your shameless guilty pleasures? Am I the only one who loves reality tv this much?!

[…] can read all about my thoughts on Reality TV here – where I confessed my obsession with it. BUT this post is alllllllll about my favorite Reality […]