Many of us have been there, you’re cleaning your kitchen counter and realize there’s a stain on it.
So you wipe it off, BUT it doesn’t come off!
Panic starts to set in (especially if you have very white countertops like I do!) and you end up searching all over the internet for removing stains from Granite countertops (or Quartz or whatever countertop you have) but nothing works!
Well look no further! Here is a Cleaning hack for removing stains from granite that came straight from a professional countertop cleaner (yes – they exist)!
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What is the Hack?
I’m a mom of two young kids, stains seem to be part of my every day and this Hack has yet to fail me!
Kid gets non-washable marker on the counter – no problem.
Cooking stains (like soy sauce!) – no problem
Food coloring – no problem
This Cleaning Hack has saved my counters more times than I can count!
I actually learned about it from a professional Granite Cleaner. My sister had an issue with her brand-new Kitchen countertop a couple years ago and eventually had to have a professional cleaner come out. There was a dep set stain on her brand new counter that both the builder and Granite store were unable to remove. The problem was the sink and fixtures were already installed and the process of replacing the counter would have been quite the undertaking.
The professional cleaner came out to her house and looked at the stain, tried a couple different things and everything he tried had failed to remove the stain he brought out the hail mary of cleaning hacks! It was Liquid Bar Keepers Friend! Key word being the liquid kind like this one here and NOT the powder!
How to Remove Stains from Granite and Quartz Using this Hack!
Start by putting a dab of the Liquid Bar Keepers Friend on the stain your counter.
Take a wash cloth and get it DAMP (not soaking wet) and start to scrub the stained spot.
Once you get the stain removed take another washcloth, get it wet and wash off the Liquid Bar Keepers Friend. You don’t want to let it stay there sitting on your counter!
Finally dry, and voila, you have a stain-free counter!
Have you ever tried this cleaning hack for removing stains from Granite and Quartz counters?

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