Hello Everyone!
I know many people need ideas when it comes to gifts for people so I wanted to make a post completely dedicated to gifts for Women! [Read more…]

Hello Everyone!
I know many people need ideas when it comes to gifts for people so I wanted to make a post completely dedicated to gifts for Women! [Read more…]
Hello Everyone!
Entirely Kristen has officially been up and running for one month to the day! It’s a small milestone, but a milestone nonetheless. Thank you all for stopping by and don’t forget to subscribe if you aren’t already (the Subscribe box on the right hand side!)
Today I wanted to talk about ways to save on your Christmas Budget. [Read more…]
Hello Everyone!
SO who is excited for Black Friday and Cyber Monday?? I know I am. This is usually when I do my Christmas Shopping. I wanted to share with you what has helped me have a smooth shopping trip in the past.
There are a few things you can do help you get all the amazing shopping deals you can. [Read more…]
Hello Everyone!
I have a serious confession to make here guys.
I am *SHAMELESSLY* addicted to reality TV.
Survivor, The Real World, The Challenge, The Amazing Race, Big Brother, Teen Mom, Alaskan Bush People – you name it and if it’s a reality TV show I probably watch it!
I know, I know… I can hear it now ‘it’s not real’ … ‘it’s all made up’… .. blah blah blah… I know.. I’ve heard it all and to be honest – I doesn’t bother me.
It really doesn’t – I still love it.
Why? Some may ask?
Because it is amazing! There is something to be said about a TV show where you can watch it without actually having to watch it! You can miss an episode and still understand what is happening!
See – it all started in college, where I would enjoy a good MTV reality show – and of course SURVIROR (because – duh – Survivor is the best show ever).
Then it escalated quickly in law school and throughout BAR prep.
I think it was because after spending HOURS and HOURS briefing cases in law school and drilling questions while studying for the BAR, I realized, I didn’t want the tv show I was watching in order to “relax” to also stress me out.
*(enter the amazing world of reality tv)* [Read more…]
Hello Everyone!
As many of you know, I am a full on lipstick junkie!
But after I became a mom I discovered I had a serious problem…
… not THAT kind of problem … I’m not in Lipstick anonymous or anything … although some would say I should be…
My problem was that after I had baby girl I stopped wearing lipstick, ( and not because I was a tired mom who was struggling to keep it together) …
…..yea … nope…I never struggled, everything was the pristine picture of perfection and baby girl basically took care of herself …. She’s actually barley 2 and already teaching herself algebra – it’s amazing!
… anyone buy that?… maybe… (this is where I typically glance around with a sarcastic smirk)
I’m sure every mom gets it …. To be honest, there are more days than I care to admit where there’s a struggle to just keep things at status quo over in my household.. (yes – I call it a good day if I hit ‘status quo’) [Read more…]
Hello Everyone!
I wanted to share with you what I did for Baby Girl’s Halloween Costume this year. I made her a Chicken because I watched a video of a little girl walking around in a chicken costume and I thought it was beyond adorable with the feathers in the wind. [Read more…]
Hello Everyone!
So happy it’s the weekend!
I wanted to share an easy fun fall recipe for apple crisp with you!
This is what you will need: [Read more…]
Hello Everyone!
After obsessing over all the Disney Subscription Boxes out there I ended up getting the Dreamers Box for September. Not going to lie – the fact that it was the Frozen themed box had a lot of influence in my decision to try this particular box first!
We are BIG Frozen Fans in my household!
I choose the Ultimate Box this month over the other options they had because like I said… HUGE Frozen fans … But every month has a different theme. I purchased the box myself but the links in this post are affiliate.
I loved the items that were in the box but my all time favorite item was by far the Sven Plushy! I’m a huge fan of the cute little ‘helpers’ in nearly every Disney movie so I was very happy to see Sven! [Read more…]
Hello Everyone!
I’ve been blond my entire life – with one small stint as a *kind-of-almost-strawberry-blond-but-not-really-because-it-was-just-the-color-it-had-to-be-after-needing-to-fix-a-bad-attempt-at-strawberry-blond*
For whatever reason – In my head, how blond I was – was directly linked to how pretty I felt.
I know … I know … it sounds horrible and I hope my daughter never feels like that – but for whatever reason it’s the truth.
For that reason I never ventured from blond, I always wanted to try some crazy colors but it was never ‘the right time’ I was either in High School – where my parent’s just wouldn’t let me, or I was in college where I needed to be taken seriously, or in Law School where I needed to look professional.
Recently this outlook of mine changed after a *horrible* experience with getting my hair ‘highlighted’ (and by highlight, I mean the “stylist” ended up bleaching ALL of my hair).
I looked in the mirror and Realized I basically looked like a bleach blond Eminem had a baby with Game Of Throne’s Khaleesi – in the worst possible way.
That’s when it hit me – maybe I would look *better* NOT being the stereo-typical sun kissed summer hair blond. My hair is naturally a dark blond so I just never ever ventured past being ‘blond’ but I also didn’t want to look back and regret not at least trying a different color – I mean after all – it’s just hair! [Read more…]
Hello Everyone!
I know it’s been a long time since anyone has heard from me but I have some big news. If you haven’t already guessed by the new site, I decided to re-brand my blog.
So welcome to Entirely Kristen.
Deciding to re-brand wasn’t something I decided on a whim – I absolutely loved Come Save Away and I still do – it was perfect for what the idea was conceived for – Coupons – but as my life changed what I wanted to talk about did as well ….. so a change was in order.
When I started Blogging and Vlogging I was in Law School – all I would do is go to Class, Brief cases, take care of the house and coupon!
.. .. .. I know .. .. .. I lived an exciting life .. .. .. [Read more…]